Archive: startup investing


Airdrop Alert: Republic Note

By Adam Sharp on October 22, 2019

This week’s airdrop is the Republic Note, a digital token that comes from one of our favorite startup investing sites.

Mailbag: Lessons Learned From Bad Investments

By Early Investing on October 20, 2019

In this week’s Mailbag, Andy Gordon shares what he learned from the worst investment he ever made and Adam Sharp explains why he’s not buying Beyond Meat.

Why Big Budgets Can Lead to Low Returns

By Andy Gordon on October 16, 2019

The most successful IPOs over the past decade all have one thing in common. And it’s not revenue growth.

Top Blogs for Startup Investors

By Adam Sharp on October 15, 2019

To learn more about startup investing from some of the top venture capitalists in the world, check out Adam’s recommended reading.

Mailbag: Don’t Dismiss Sectors or Cannabis Stocks

By Early Investing on October 13, 2019

In this week’s Mailbag, the Early Investing team tackles cannabis stocks and startup sectors.

News Fix: Cannabis Companies Roll With the Changes

By Vin Narayanan on October 12, 2019

In the news this week: The MedMen-PharmaCann deal is called off, the IRS updates its crypto guidelines and Andreessen Horowitz gets its fourth female general partner.

Startup Investing During Shaky Financial Times

By Adam Sharp on October 8, 2019

We’re headed for some rocky financial times. Many legacy companies will fall. But that means there’s a great opportunity for startups to take over.

Mailbag: Early Investors Don’t Need to Worry About WeWork

By Early Investing on October 6, 2019

In this week’s Mailbag, the Early Investing team addresses celebrity investors and the WeWork debacle’s impact on the startup investing world.
When seeking funding, a startup founder needs to sell their vision to investors. And investors need to challenge that vision. Here are some specific points both parties need to talk about in order to succeed.

Pre-IPO Investors Don’t Need to Worry About WeWork

By Adam Sharp on October 1, 2019

WeWork has been a disaster, especially for SoftBank. But fortunately for pre-IPO investors, it’s not really impacting the private startup markets.
San Francisco is known for being a hub for startups and venture capital. Here’s just how much its funding dominates the rest of California.

Mailbag: Learn From Venture Capital Investors’ Mistakes

By Early Investing on September 29, 2019

In this week’s Mailbag, the Early Investing team tackles startup investing tips and lessons learned from the WeWork IPO debacle.

Follow the Startup, Not the Sector

By Andy Gordon on September 25, 2019

When you’re looking for startup investments, don’t get blinded by shiny sectors. The startup comes first - not diversification for diversification’s sake.

Angel Investing Online and Offline

By Adam Sharp on September 24, 2019

Online and offline angel investing both have their benefits. Here are some differences between the two and how to figure out which method is best for you.

Mailbag: Disruptors Can Still Be Disrupted

By Early Investing on September 22, 2019

In this week’s Mailbag, the Early Investing team explains the difference between seed and Series A companies and what bitcoin maximalists get wrong.
Startups that challenge conventional thinking and go on to succeed are often the most profitable investments. But to take the plunge and invest in a truly crazy-sounding idea is one of the hardest things a startup investor can do.