Archive: startup

Deal Details Startup: TÖST Security type: Crowd SAFE* Discount: 0% Valuation (cap): $12 million Minimum investment: $150 Where to invest: Republic Deadline: October 1, 2021 About a decade ago, a good friend asked me what makes a great food and beverage company. Here’s what I said. It’s about standing out. The vast majority of consumer packaged goods (CPG) products get lost among the dozens or hundreds…

Startup Insider: Venture Capital Learns From Crowdfunding

By Early Investing on July 26, 2021

Equity crowdfunding is often seen as the balancing force to traditional venture capital. Venture capital is exclusive and focuses on writing large checks to a few companies. Equity crowdfunding prioritizes inclusivity and the power of many small investments added together.  But what if there were a…
There’s nothing more American than a comeback story. Rocky. Rudy. The Karate Kid. The business landscape is filled with successful comeback journeys. Walt Disney failed several times — and even went bankrupt once — before building the Disney empire. When Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple in 1976, it struggled.

Market Changes Favor New Startup Investors

By Adam Sharp on June 25, 2021

I’ve now been investing in startups online for seven years. Over that time, I’ve invested in around 125 individual startups and three funds (those funds in turn invested in another 30 startups). The vast majority of deals were early — seed stage, pre-seed or Series A. And over…
Andy Gordon first recommended Oracle Health to First Stage Investor members in February. The company is developing a long-term insertable cardiac monitor for heart failure.  Oracle has ambitious — but achievable — plans to get FDA clearance…
Cannabis use has been exploding across the country. But it’s a disjointed market.  Cannabis operators rely on software programs for their team communications, distribution, compliance documentation and more. And these programs are a tangled mess with no cross-communication. Operators typically spend $5,000-to-$7,000 a month…
One of the most popular investing myths is that a good technical startup needs a co-founder who can handle all of the technology or software development. And the lack of a Silicon Valley tech wizard spells failure or doom. But that’s really outdated thinking. As Vin…
There’s an ancient adage I have leaned upon at certain times in my life: What doesn’t destroy you makes you stronger. It certainly applies to AlphaFlow, the startup I’m showing you today.  2020 was the ultimate stress test for AlphaFlow. And it survived. …
Every investor has preferences and biases that influence which startups they choose to invest in. And some sectors play to an investor’s values more than others. Whenever anybody asks me which sectors I prefer, I say it doesn’t matter to me. And I mean it. …
I recently spoke to Chris Yerbey, the founder and CEO of Amsterdam-based Tradefox. We recommended TradeFox in 2017 (back when it was called Scrap Connection) and again in 2019. It provides a business intelligence and trading…

The Real Problem with SPACs

By Andy Gordon on May 26, 2021

I’ve never hidden my disdain of special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs). As a refresher, SPACs are shell companies that attract investors and then go public in order to merge with a specific startup, thereby taking the startup public. I laid into them back in January in…
Inflation appears to have arrived in the U.S. I say “appears to have arrived” because in my opinion, we’ve been dealing with at least 6% inflation for more than 5 years. The reason you haven’t heard about that is because the government manipulates the official consumer price index…
Digital Brands Group (DBG) had its initial public offering (IPO) recently. And it generated some confusion and many questions from our members. So I’m taking the opportunity today to address some of the issues you’ve raised. To refresh your memory, DBG’s IPO incorporated a “reverse stock…

New Pick: The Future of Bottled Juice

By Andy Gordon on May 20, 2021

Deal Details Startup: Genius Juice Security type: Crowd SAFE* Discount: 20% Valuation (cap): $14 million Minimum investment: $100 Where to invest: Republic Deadline: September 16, 2021…
The merger of two major Asian companies this week barely made a ripple in the U.S. But it’s huge news in Asia — and even bigger news in Indonesia, where they’re based. The two companies merging, Gojek and Tokopedia, are fast-growing and ambitious. They’re both seeking an edge…

Syndicate Leads Should Have Skin in the Game

By Adam Sharp on May 18, 2021

About a third of the deals I’ve seen on AngelList recently share a disappointing trait — the syndicate lead has only invested $1,000-to-$2,000. This is almost always a red flag, because it’s a sign that the lead has a low amount of conviction in the deal. And that…