Archive: jamba juice


Blendid Makes Splendid Progress

By Teddy Lyons on July 21, 2022

Update as of October 13, 2022: Blendid’s raise is closing tomorrow. The company has made significant strides since our update, and we feel you should know the very latest in case you want to make a last minute investment.   In July 2022, Blendid opened a Jamba by Blendid at UCLA. It has been a huge success so far and is producing significantly higher revenue than any other location. With…

Blendid Makes a Smooth Transition to the East Coast

By Andy Gordon on February 17, 2022

I first recommended Blendid in December 2020.  To refresh your memory, Blendid is not only the name of the startup, but also the name of the food robot that makes delicious and incredibly healthy smoothies. Blendid uses the latest technological advances…