Archive: Federal Reserve
Why Do Economists Love Debt So Much?
By Adam Sharp on January 18, 2019
Mainstream economists seem to cheer taking on ever-increasing debt loads. Why?
Where the Fed Points, Markets Follow
By Adam Sharp on January 11, 2019
Adam explains how the Federal Reserve has been setting the market’s course for decades.
How to Hedge Against Stock Market Turmoil
By Adam Sharp on December 7, 2018
Dear Early Investor, After nine years of relatively smooth sailing, stock markets have hit rocky waters. The market is not reacting well to the prospect of higher interest rates. The trade war mess certainly doesn’t help. But I believe the primary driver is the Federal Reserve. The problem is, nobody…
Top Reads of the Week
By Adam Sharp on October 12, 2018
A quick rundown of the best reads of the week in pre-IPO startups and cryptocurrency.
FRED Starts Publishing Crypto Data
By Vin Narayanan on June 27, 2018
The Federal Reserve's research division in St. Louis has begun tracking and publishing cryptocurrency prices.