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Not only will you find out how the most successful angel investors reduce risk, you’ll also get a heads-up on a very promising startup company.

I believe it makes an excellent choice as your first startup investment.

But we’re offering much more than that.

We’re giving you an unprecedented opportunity to stay abreast of the latest developments in this sometimes topsy-turvy market, one that gives investors the ability to substantially boost their portfolio.

We’re starting a free newsletter on the ins and outs of investing in private startups. And we’d like you to join us in our new venture.

Until recently these young companies were banned from soliciting the general public for funding. That ban was recently lifted.

The upside?

You’re getting exposure to literally hundreds of small and ambitious companies listing online. It’s a new world. Never has it been so easy for well-off individuals to invest in these startups as it is now. To qualify, you need to show that you’ve made a minimum of $200,000 a year or $300,000 as a couple during the past two years or you’re worth over $1 million (not including your primary home).

But as soon as next year almost everyone will be able to invest in these fledglings.

Some will pop and make their early investors rich.

The downside is that others won’t be so lucky. They’ll grow at moderate rates or, worse, fall by the wayside.

In the meantime, portals listing these newbies will be offering you services so you can jump through the hoops of “discovery” and the mechanics of investing as easily as possible.

All the while adhering to evolving government regulations.

It’ll be interesting to see how these sites compete and try to outdo each other. You can be sure we’ll be keeping a close eye on them and letting you know how best to navigate among them.

So I’ll let you in on anther secret, one shared by these sites and the most successful angel investors.

They both harbor many more duds than future “stars.”

To make money and manage the risks, you need to distinguish the bad apples from the potential “sweet deals.”

So where can you get the information to do this?

Not from the portals themselves. They can’t afford to anger the companies on their site.

Nor from the mainstream media like Wall Street Journal or Barron’s. If I didn’t know better, I’d think they’d have instituted a news embargo on these small companies.

From the companies themselves?  Not surprisingly, they’re all touting their own idea.

Your challenge – as someone interested in taking advantage of this rising part of the market – is how to make informed investment decisions in this new investment space.

That’s another area we’ll be tackling. While the portals are saying, “you’re on your own, son,” we’ll be looking into the best and worst of these companies, and giving you the inside scoop every chance we get.

Look, we’re the first ones to admit that this market isn’t for everyone. Recent research says that if you’re middle-aged, about 20% of you participate in this market. If you’re younger, that number goes up to around 50%.

But with explosive access to new ventures, these numbers will be going up.

And information will be your number one ally. Without a doubt, the more information you have, the more successful you can be as an early investor.

That’s where we come in. To give you the information you need when you need it and it won’t cost you a thing. Together we’ll be following the next generation of great innovative companies.

So welcome to my free newsletter. I look forward to sharing my ideas and advice with you.


Andrew Gordon

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